Linking up with Lisa from Showered With Design and Kristen from Happiness Is a Mood for the Inspire Me Challenge!
Today's prompt is: Worst gift you've ever received.
I'm pretty sure the worst gift I received was a Chia Pet that was shaped as a puppy. I received it from my boyfriend, Juan, during Christmas. Sounds horrible!
What was worse is that Juan kept teasing me all throughout the holidays that I was going to LOVE my gift so I, of course, thought that it was a real puppy because I had been asking for one. I was so wrong! As soon as I opened the gift Christmas morning he says, "You said you wanted a puppy!" I was a little disappointed but it was so funny at the same time. He said if I was able to grow the seeds on the Chia pet, I would get a real puppy. And I did!!
Don't ask why I still have a photo of this! Ha!
LMAO Wow that is too funny. He did do as he promised though :)